ChocoMuseo - Website

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The chocolate factory

For about one month, we are processing our own chocolate.

The cacao comes from different part of Nicaragua : Mombacho volcano, Matiguas (North of the country) and Rio San Juan (South of the country).

After roasting the fermented seeds and removing the husk, we grind the cacao nibs at "el molino".
Then we mix the cacao paste in the "Melangeur" with only sugar for about 12 to 28 hours.
The chocolate is delicious and we can really taste the cacao.
This chocolate will be for sale at the Museum shop.

1 comment:

  1. I have tried all samples of chocolate, they are delicious! there is something for each kind of taste (sweet, semi-sweet, with peanuts..etc) I cant wait to try more samples!!!
